On Golden Girls (Season 1, Episode 6)

WELCOME TO EPISODE 6 OF THE GOLDEN GIRLS DEEP DIVE PODCAST! Starting from the beginning of the show, each week we recap an episode of The Golden Girls and we end each episode with a fully researched deep dive into something from the Golden Girls universe!
Gird your loins, Cheesecakes - Dorothy is studying for a French exam! Rose is OVER THE MOON to be babysitting for a couple we never meet, and the real shenanigans ensue when Blanche’s fourteen-year-old nephew, David, comes for a visit. He’s not thrilled to be there, and the ladies, Sophia especially, are not thrilled with his attitude.
For this week’s deep dive, Jenn tells Patrick all about the life and career of Herb Edelman, AKA Stan Zbornak. His life was a wild ride from NYC taxi driver to Broadway star to pal of Bea Arthur’s…which is a big part of how he landed his iconic role!
Actors You Forgot Guest Starred On The Golden Girls - Looper - Jan 5, 2022
NBC'S 'GOLDEN GIRLS' GAMBLES ON GROWN-UPS - The New York Times - Sep 22, 1985
Out to Lunch With the Golden Girls - The Washington Post - Mar 14, 1986
Sylvester Stallone Gets Candid - - The Hollywood Reporter - Nov 7, 2022
Ernest Borgnine | Biography, Movies, TV Shows, & Facts | Britannica
Dr. Jane Goodall Remembers Betty White - Jane Goodall's Good for All News
'Luv' Is Played for Laughs at Carousel - Cecil Smith - Los Angeles Times - Sep 28, 1967
Edelman Finds You Can Go Home - Cecil Smith - Los Angeles Times - Jul 21, 1970
The Good (and Funny) Guys - J. Don Schlaerth - Buffalo Evening News - Aug 24, 1968
All the Classroom's a Stage for Herb Edelman - Sandy Bansiky - Baltimore Sun - May 4, 1979
Herb Edelman, 62, A Character Actor - The New York Times - July 27, 1996
Edelman Finds You Can Go Home - Cecil Smith - Los Angeles Times - Jul 21, 1970
100 Most Memorable GOLDEN GIRLS Guest Spots Of All Time! - Boy Culture
And then There's Stan... ! - Posiedon's Underworld (Blog) - Dec 22, 2020
Edelman Finds You Can Go Home - Cecil Smith - Los Angeles Times - Jul 21, 1970
All the Classroom's a Stage for Herb Edelman - Sandy Bansiky - Baltimore Sun - May 4, 1979